Ghost Laundry
Personal Work / Unpublished
Included in Society of Illustrators #65
Included in 3x3 International Illustration Show no. 18
Included in Infected by Art #13
Exhibited: ICON11 Gallery Show 2022
The idea for this piece came from a childhood memory of a long wait at a laundromat with my mother, and the way that some people (like children) aren't seen by other adults as if they are invisible ghosts. That feeling connected for me with feelings of living alone as an adult and the places I frequently "haunt".
Process Work
A collection of initial concept sketches.
Some examples of the reference material I collected to help with the design of the laundromat.
Along with researched reference material, I also manufactured some materials of my own. I visited several local Laundromats to take some photos. I also took photos at a strip-mall near my house to get the right lighting for the parking lot. You can see I also posed in my make-shift ghost costume to help me work out how to paint the folds of my ghost character.
A collection of comp studies, working to determine the best angle and arrangement of items in the composition.
An earlier design for the image involved having a group of ghost hunter kids who were trying to catch the ghost in the act of doing his laundry. These are some of the sketches and reference material for that design. I eventually determined that the composition was much stronger with the ghost alone, and the story evolved.
An early version of the underlying drawing. Here I’ve settled on the overall look of the composition, but you can see that I was still trying to work the ghost hunter kids into the picture.