The Secret Adventure Club
The Secret Adventure Club is a pitch for a children’s animated series aimed at grades school students. In the show a diverse group of kids meet after school at the local library where, aided by the mysterious librarian, her talking Owl, and a host of other magical inhabitants of the library, the kids are able to enter into books and have adventures. Each week we follow their travels as the lessons they learn on their literary adventures help them to tackle the struggles and worries of their every day lives as kids.
This pitch was originally created in 2017 and has been an ongoing project through several revisions. Revisions related to my current work are indicated.
Scott Barber - Writer / Director
Alisa Reyes - Voice Talent / Producer
Kenan Thompson - Voice Talent / Producer
Visual Development Artist
Character Designer
Prop and Environment Designer
Pitch Bible Illustration
Branding Designer
Storyboard Artist
Technical Consultation